admit a mistake
- 承认错误

Japanese firstly choose the strategy of " direct to admit a mistake " and avoiding explaining things through , etc. when selecting the apology strategies .
In politics you must never retreat , never tetrace your steps , never admit a mistake & otherwise , you are discredited .
Anyone who eats crow has to admit a mistake or defeat .
Climb down ( over sth ); admit a mistake or withdraw from a position in an argument , etc
People who have done it say it is often worth the humiliation of having to admit a mistake and beg former colleagues to take you back .
Employees respect a manager who tells them what they did wrong without laying blame - you 'll go far with your employees if you admit a mistake you made before you talk to them about mistakes they 've made .
Women will sometimes admit making a mistake .
I admit I made a mistake ─ but don 't hold it against me .
The six most important words : I admit I made a mistake .
And when you go through life , and you make a mistake , simply admit I made a mistake .
Young Ed Bloom : There comes a point when any reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake .
The reasons for this are that no one wants to admit they made a mistake and we often believe that the bearers of bad news put themselves in the firing line .
I freely admit that I made a mistake .
We must admit that it was a mistake to relax trading capital requirements in 1996 .
In retrospect , I wonder , would he admit the deal was a mistake ?
Being able to admit you have made a mistake is also a sign of humility and can garner respect from your employees .